
Ruby on Rails

How we apply the Rails Doctrine to the Jamstack

Just like omakase sushi is solely the chef's choice, the biggest benefit to any framework is when it makes (good) decisions for you.

Oct 01, 2020

Big Oops: Just a Few (Old) Notifications

I've learned a few things the hard way. How to properly use Active Record callbacks with Ruby on Rails is one of those things.

Jun 15, 2020

Rails on Heroku - Redirect Root Domain to www

How to use a "www" subdomain as your primary domain on a Rails app hosted with Heroku.

Jun 05, 2020

3 Reasons Why Turbolinks Is Not Worth The Effort

Turbolinks is a great idea in theory, but it comes with enough problems to offset its benefits.

Mar 15, 2016

Access A Deleted Class In A Rails Migration

Sometimes you need to get to a class that you have deleted or renamed within a migration file. Here's how you do it.

Mar 13, 2016

Rollback A Deleted Rails Database Migration

You got yourself into that pickle where you created a migration, migrated, deleted the migration, then tried to rollback. Here's how you get around it!

Mar 08, 2016

Render an Inline SVG in Rails (or Middleman)

You can avoid multiple requests to your server by rendering SVG images inline to the rest of your HTML.

Feb 11, 2016

Use Slack For Rails Error Notification

Post a message to one of your Slack channels when your Rails app encounters a 500 error.

Dec 22, 2015

How To Use Paper Trail As An Activity Feed

That whole killing two birds with one stone approach might just work in using PaperTrail as an activity log, at least in simpler projects.

Jun 15, 2015

Transition Between Database Adapters in Rails

Transitioning from one database to another, or even to a whole new database with a new adapter, can be tough. Here's an easy way to transition content.

May 25, 2015