Written content to help you along your web development journey, without forgetting to have some fun along the way.
An expanded timeline of my personal blogging history, starting in 2011, and reaching through current times.
Discover an innovative way to integrate front-end types into back-end generation, simplifying content transformation and improving developer experience.
Static site generators are still relevant and continue to evolve. You may be able to evolve with them, without needing to jump into a new type of framework.
Learn how to process your content separately so you can write the minimal amount of framework code and easily switch to a new framework in the future, with the added benefit of easier maintainability.
Automatically generate TypeScript type definitions from a Contentful schema, and then override for front-end adjustments.
Failure is not the end of the world, but a natural part of the learning process. Learn from your failures and don't let fear hold you back. Embrace the uncertainty, take risks, and find success faster.
SSGs were revolutionary when they entered the scene around 2008. But they are still relevant. And they are still great. And for many of the same reasons they were compelling in 2008.
I asked a friend of mine about the one thing that helped him level up as a developer. He said: “Seek discomfort.”
Settings to disabling various methods that provide typeahead functionality in VS Code.
React is a great tool with a massive developer community. It comes with its own benefits and challenges. And yet, there may be tooling that is more suitable to your project.