This license governs all content and code found within this site.
This site exists to inspire and help those working with the web. I don't want some silly, protective and complicated license to get in the way of that.
I want you to take what you find on this site and use it in your own projects. Have fun with it, make some money, and share the love! Just don't straight up take credit for something you didn't create.
You can find an updated version of the license in the code repository. And here's some background on why I felt the need to create a new license.
The license text is as follows:
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software to use, copy, modify, and distribute under the following conditions:
Outright copyright infringement is not permitted. Only reasonably modified versions of the original work may be distributed.
Share the love. This software was provided to you, free of charge, to help you. If you benefit from it, support the original work in some way.
Creative assets used within this software may not be used or copied without written consent from the copyright holder.
Works derived from modification of this code must be distributed under an equally open license.
The software is provided without warranty of any kind. The copyright holders are not subject to any claim arising from use of this code.
In the end, I want you to have fun playing with the web. I want you to earn money from it. I want you to help make it better. And if you can use something here to do that, do it!
Use your best judgment and work to make the web better for everyone!