

Add Rake To Any Project

Rake is an awesome tool. You may want to use it in a non-Ruby project or a project that isn't configured for it.

Feb 22, 2016

Bulk Resize Images Using Rake and ImageMagick

Got a set of images you need all to conform to the same size? Hate doing it manually? Me too. Let's write a rake task to solve our challenge.

Feb 15, 2016

Disable Rake Commands in a Rails Project

Sometimes you want to disable some of the default rake tasks in a rails project. Here's a quick way to do just that.

May 15, 2015

How to Write a Custom Rake Task

Rake provides a great way to automate repetitive or complex tasks. Here's a look at creating a simple and a more complex task.

Apr 27, 2015

Connect to Multiple Databases in a Rake Task with Rails

Sometimes you need access to multiple database within a single rake task, for whatever reason. Here's how you do it.

Feb 17, 2015

4 Ways to Pass Arguments to a Rake Task

Always googling and forgetting how to pass arguments to rake tasks? Here's a up list of the various methods.

Dec 13, 2014