
JavaScript (Page 6)

WTF is object-dig?

Tired of "Cannot read property of undefined" errors? object-dig can help!

May 01, 2020

WTF is Lodash?

Explore an introduction to Lodash and what it can do to support your JavaScript code.

Apr 21, 2020

Don't Do Stupid Shit with JavaScript

The JavaScript community is large. Use it to make your code better.

Apr 20, 2020

WTF is deep-for-each?

Explore an introduction to the super cool, single-function JavaScript package, deep-for-each.

Apr 16, 2020

Building a Static API with Node.js

Learn how to build a static API with Node.js. We'll write a node build script that converts local YAML files into a set of structured JSON output files.

Apr 09, 2020

Decreased Jekyll Build Times 5x with a Custom Asset Pipeline

My team and I ditched the jekyll-assets gem for a homegrown asset pipeline and decreased build times by a factor of five. This is how we did it.

Jan 10, 2019

Better Website Performance with Pixelated Placeholder Images

Page load times decrease as the number of images on a page increase. Learn the pixelated placeholder method that mitigates performance issues caused by images without negatively impacting user experience.

Jan 09, 2019

Lazy Load Images Using Intersection Observer API

Use just a little JavaScript and you'll be able to postpone loading images until they are available in the viewport.

Jan 07, 2019

Compile ES6 Code with Gulp and Babel, Part 5

In the last of the five part series on compiling multiple ES6 files into a minified bundle, you will learn how to add an asset hash to your bundles.

Dec 21, 2018

Compile ES6 Code with Gulp and Babel, Part 4

In the fourth of five parts on compiling multiple ES6 files into a minified bundle, you will learn how to minify your bundle and automatically clean up temporary build files.

Dec 20, 2018