
JavaScript (Page 5)

WTF is Hoisting?

Sometimes JavaScript code appears to behave oddly. Hoisting is one of the reasons why. Here's an introduction to the concept, with references to more in-depth explorations.

Aug 07, 2020

WTF is a Closure?

A brief explanation of JavaScript closures, along with a few examples and references to other in-depth explorations on the topic.

Aug 03, 2020

The Difference Between =, == and === in JavaScript

They may look similar, but they each do something very different from the next, and it's important to understand the differences.

Jul 27, 2020

Introducing Component Adapters into a Gatsby Project

Component adapters are a great way to separate logic from presentation in component-driven development projects. Here's how I've implemented the approach in Gatsby.

Jul 17, 2020

Simplify Components by Separating Logic from Presentation using Adapters

It's tough to know when it's the right time to break a component up into smaller components. Here's a way to approach that process that relies on more than what you see on the screen.

Jul 10, 2020

WTF is JavaScript?

A brief description of JavaScript, with a few links to dig in and learn more.

Jun 29, 2020

WTF is Node.js?

An brief introduction to Node.js, along with links to dig in further with a tutorial or course.

Jun 29, 2020


A brief description of NPM.

Jun 29, 2020

WTF is React?

A brief introduction to React, along with a list of references for more learning.

Jun 29, 2020

Passing a Function as an Argument to a JavaScript Function

Learn the basics of callback functions in JavaScript.

May 07, 2020