

My blogging history

An expanded timeline of my personal blogging history, starting in 2011, and reaching through current times.

Mar 13, 2025

How Music Makes Me Better at Programming

Exploring a few ways that music has helped me in my development career.

Apr 10, 2023

Using Notion Callouts to Generate Complex Components

Exploring a theoretical approach to enabling Notion to serve as a CMS for complex websites with interactive components.

Mar 31, 2023

Start with the Wins

The last thing I do. Every day.

Jun 14, 2021

3 things that make developers happy

While technical tools make developers' lives easier, we can't forget that non-technical things can have a big impact on devs' productivity and satisfaction.

Aug 14, 2020

What Success Really Means

Is it money, fame, awards, rewards, a nice haircut, a well-behaved dog? What is it that we're all going after?

Jun 06, 2019

Using a Side Project as a Creative Shift

That much-needed break you've been craving isn't to go sit on a beach. Is to attack and achieve something that makes you tick.

May 30, 2019

4 Reasons to Work on Side Projects

To get the most out of the side projects you work on, every project should provide you with at least one of four key benefits.

May 04, 2019

Solving Problems with a Wedding Ring

It took me years to solve a problem that, in the end, was as simple as taking a ring off my finger. Learn what I learned from that problem-solving process.

Apr 16, 2019

A Puzzle Without a Box

Just as a jigsaw puzzle needs a box, a solution needs the thing that will focus and guide it to success.

Apr 15, 2019