
HTML (Page 2)

Animating Dots Using HTML5 Canvas

This builds on a previous example and brings some movement to our dots!

Feb 27, 2016

Create a Multi-Colored, Dotted Grid with HTML5 Canvas

The wide world of canvas is open-ended. Here's a fun example to dig in and learn some of the basics of HTML5 canvas.

Feb 26, 2016

Full-Size, Looping Background Video with YouTube Video

It seems looping background videos are the new thing. But you don't have to serve up the video on your server. Let's use a YouTube video to accomplish it!

Feb 12, 2016

CSS clearfix

In working with CSS you're going to come across a class called "clearfix" at some point.

Dec 17, 2012

Learning How to Code a Website for Beginners

Learning to jump into web development can be overwhelming. Let's look at a couple ways in which you can get started.

Nov 20, 2012