To commit or not commit. A list of reasons and resources to support your decision.
It seems like a silly question, given that GitHub is not typically thought about as a CMS. But I analyze the question anyways, using a series of 11 factors.
Delete all local git branches except main, master, or your current branch.
Checkout the previous git branch without needing to remember or type the name.
If force-pushing is part of your git workflow, here's a tip that can help you avoid disaster.
Learn how to use a single command to delete multiple git branches.
Using Git LFS on a file that is already being track without it requires an extra step.
Tired of remembering to rename the master branch after running git init? This option will help you!
See all the options available to you, and also learn how to filter them.
Have you encountered a large merge when you know you are going to accept all current or incoming changes? There's a way to achieve without stepping through each file.