
CSS (Page 3)

Use Inline Style Attributes on SVG Elements to Avoid Overwriting Styles

When SVGs starting looking weird on your website, it might be because their styles are being overwritten.

Mar 17, 2016

Keep Stylesheets Organized With Continuous Abstraction

Stylesheets can get out of control really quickly. Here's the approach I use to stay organized.

Feb 17, 2016

Full-Size, Looping Background Video with YouTube Video

It seems looping background videos are the new thing. But you don't have to serve up the video on your server. Let's use a YouTube video to accomplish it!

Feb 12, 2016

Select the Last n Children in CSS

Sometimes you need to target more than just the last child in a series of HTML elements. Learn how to target the last n number of elements here.

Dec 20, 2014

Add Custom JavaScript and Stylesheets from SharePoint Master Page

You can add JavaScript and CSS files to your master page if you want to overwrite some default styles or add some functionality via a new script.

Aug 06, 2013

Dynamically Add JavaScript and CSS Files to Your Website Using JavaScript

When you can't use a JavaScript or CSS concatenater, this method can be useful for adding scripts and styles to your site on the fly.

Aug 05, 2013

3 CSS Button Generators To Help You Style Buttons

A few references for styling buttons with CSS. I'll also point you to a couple CSS frameworks.

Feb 06, 2013

Streamline Your CSS with Sass

I began using Sass yesterday and I am already in love.

Feb 06, 2013

Keep Your CSS Files Organized

CSS files are notorious for very quickly growing long, jumbled and confusing. Here's how I stay organized

Jan 15, 2013

CSS !important - What is it?

Learn what the !important flag does in CSS.

Dec 22, 2012