
Shove A Big Mac In Your Face!

Life as a human is hard.

Life as a human is hard.

We're constantly at work, attempting to:

  • Earn enough money to be comfortable
  • Create and maintain loving human relationships
  • Find a balance between work and play
  • Improve our craft(s)
  • Eat healthy
  • Exercise to stay fit

The list goes on. And on. And on.

The role of being a good human will never cease to demand more.

You're doing a great job! Believe in yourself and keep pushing yourself to do better.

But don't forget to take a break from it all and shove a Big Mac in your face every once in awhile.

Let's Connect

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You Can Solve Every Problem

You are a human, and therefore, you are capable of solving every problem.

Feb 02, 2019

Act on Inspiration Before It Runs Away

Inspiration is an amazing feeling. It comes in an array of forms. It arrives without warning, sometimes subtly, sometimes like a storm. And it can leave just as quickly.

Jun 01, 2015

Would You Be Friends With Your Company?

Personifying your company. It's a little goofy. But it can help you determine if you are in the right place.

Mar 27, 2013