
Select the Last n Children in CSS

Sometimes you need to target more than just the last child in a series of HTML elements. Learn how to target the last n number of elements here.

In CSS, :nth-child refers to the child referenced from the beginning of the parent. Take an example:


If you were to select :nth-child(2), then the second <li> is selected. So this:

ul:nth-child(2) {
color: red;

Would make two red.

Moving in the other direction is :nth-last-child, which moves backwards. So, this:

ul:nth-last-child(2) {
color: red;

Would make three red.

Now, let's say we wanted to make the last two elements red. We can use -n and move backwards from the end. So:

ul:nth-last-child(-n + 2) {
color: red;

Affects both three and four.

The iterator follows the pattern of an+b. If you want to learn more about how this iteration logic works, Chris Coyier has a great explanation.

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