
Seek Discomfort to Learn and Grow Faster as a Developer

I asked a friend of mine about the one thing that helped him level up as a developer. He said: “Seek discomfort.”

I asked a friend of mine what the most important thing he did early in his career that helped give him the boost and level him up as a developer. He said this:

Seek discomfort. Don't be afraid to step outside your comfort zone.

Growing and Learning Faster

I love his statement because it's been so true for me. Staying where I'm comfortable might mean I can move fast, but it's stagnating to growth.

When I've put myself in new or uncomfortable situations, I have new problems to solve, new areas to explore, and a whole lot to learn.

The times in my life when I've been in uncomfortable situations have been the times I've grown the fastest and most dramatically. And although they were uncomfortable at the time, I now look back positively on many of those times.

You Never Know Unless You Try

As the saying goes, you never know what you're going to get out of a situation until you try it.

So do it!

Seek discomfort. Learn. Evolve. Achieve.

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