
Posts (Page 45)

Written content to help you along your web development journey, without forgetting to have some fun along the way.

4 Ways to Pass Arguments to a Rake Task

Always googling and forgetting how to pass arguments to rake tasks? Here's a up list of the various methods.

Dec 13, 2014

Backup Gitlab Data and Repositories to Amazon S3

Make sure you don't lose all that precious GitLab data by backing regularly and syncing with an Amazon S3 bucket.

Dec 11, 2014

Squash all Commits into a Single Commit

Sometimes it makes sense to start over in Git's history while maintaining the current state of your code.

Dec 09, 2014

How To Delete a Git Tag

It's easy to delete a git tag from your local and remote repositories.

Dec 07, 2014

Get a Snapshot of Mac OS X Shell Commands

You can get a snapshot of the progress of terminal/shell jobs on Mac OS X by hitting Ctrl+T.

Dec 05, 2014

Instantiate a Class from a String in Rails

Rails classes need to be called dynamically sometimes. Learn how to do it using the constantize inflector.

Nov 20, 2014

Command Line Scripts Using Ruby

Command line scripts aren't so bad to write when you've got Ruby on your side.

Nov 17, 2014

Timeless Qualities, Like Being on Time

Being on time is a quality that might just never go out of style. Avoid that nasty label of being the late person.

Nov 17, 2014

Rethinking Email as a To-Do List

Email revolutionized the way in which we communicate. But it's become annoying. Here is a new way of thinking about managing your inbox.

Nov 13, 2014

Round to the nearest 0.5 in Ruby

A cool and quick trick to round floats to the nearest 0.5 in Ruby.

Nov 01, 2014