Written content to help you along your web development journey, without forgetting to have some fun along the way.
We often bottle up life's intimate details. I think you ought to share them.
The motivation to provide an additional layer of security beyond an email-password combination is a noble one, but ...
Life is hard, but you are not alone in your troubles and struggles.
When you approach money management as a freelancer, especially a new freelancer, be scientific, conservative, and strict.
Using research on trees to learn to ask for help and appreciate those who have helped you.
Throughout 2016 I worked closely with two people I've never met, and it's been highly effective.
I took half a Tuesday and half a Wednesday to spend time with my family. Breaks from work don't always have to be conventional.
ActsAsTaggableOn is a great gem for working with tags in your application, but it can be a PITA when you want to be able to search for tags.
To maintain a consistent state of efficiency, I have rules. They aren't strict. But they help guide me.