Written content to help you along your web development journey, without forgetting to have some fun along the way.
Tired of "Cannot read property of undefined" errors? object-dig can help!
Explore an introduction to Lodash and what it can do to support your JavaScript code.
The JavaScript community is large. Use it to make your code better.
A super simple example of building a static API that walks through the deploy process using Vercel Now. It's part of a series of tutorials on building and deploying static APIs.
Explore an introduction to the super cool, single-function JavaScript package, deep-for-each.
There are several methods for representing file trees. Here are three, along with some quick pros and cons for each.
A super simple example of building a static API that walks through the deploy process using Netlify. Part of a series of tutorials on building and deploying static APIs.
Learn how to build a static API with Node.js. We'll write a node build script that converts local YAML files into a set of structured JSON output files.
An introduction on how to approach building a static API, which serves as the background for several specific tutorials on the topic.