Written content to help you along your web development journey, without forgetting to have some fun along the way.
I've learned a few things the hard way. How to properly use Active Record callbacks with Ruby on Rails is one of those things.
Let's talk about our mistakes. Big Oops is a series on the worst (and therefore funniest) mistakes developers have made.
The Spinneret is my monthly collection of news, tools, references, and more from within my sphere of web development.
Some of the most valuable advice I've received is to put my code out their for the world to read, no matter how embarrassing it may be.
How to use a "www" subdomain as your primary domain on a Rails app hosted with Heroku.
Jamstack's community sharing helps developers find the best tools. But changing tools too often will leave clients and other team members frustrated.
Learn the basics of callback functions in JavaScript.
Implement a Static API using the simple and fast static site generator, Eleventy.
How to ignore the build output when adding it to gitignore causes problems.
The Jamstack combines the best parts of Web 1.0 and Web 2.0, resulting in secure sites that are easily scalable, well-performing, and lower cost.