
Posts (Page 23)

Written content to help you along your web development journey, without forgetting to have some fun along the way.

Introducing Component Adapters into a Gatsby Project

Component adapters are a great way to separate logic from presentation in component-driven development projects. Here's how I've implemented the approach in Gatsby.

Jul 17, 2020

Increase Developer Efficiency by Establishing Conventions

Developer efficiency is largely driven by the number and type of decisions to make. That number can be reduced by establishing solid (but balanced) conventions.

Jul 15, 2020

Organize Components by Keeping Related Files Close

We've traditionally organized files by type. But that can make specific files difficult to track down, especially in an era dominated by component-driven development.

Jul 14, 2020

Simplify Components by Separating Logic from Presentation using Adapters

It's tough to know when it's the right time to break a component up into smaller components. Here's a way to approach that process that relies on more than what you see on the screen.

Jul 10, 2020

Is it time for a new website?

When changing and adding to your current website gets to be a hassle, maybe it's time for a website overhaul built for the future.

Jul 09, 2020

WTF is a Fixture?

A quick introduction what fixtures are in software, along with other purposes they can serve.

Jul 08, 2020

Using Web Components to Build a House, Room-by-Room

You could build a house one brick at a time. Every room could be unique. That would take a long time and it'd cost a lot of money, as houses usually do. But what if you could build a house room-by-room?

Jul 07, 2020

WTF is Component-Driven Development?

If the web is organized by pages, shouldn't we build it that way? Introducing component-driven design and development, explained through the lens of the evolution of the web.

Jul 06, 2020

WTF is a Web Component?

What are components? What makes them different from (or similar to) HTML elements? How are they being used today? Let's find out.

Jun 30, 2020

WTF is a Package Manager?

A brief description of package managers, with some examples using referencing JavaScript packages.

Jun 29, 2020