Written content to help you along your web development journey, without forgetting to have some fun along the way.
Keeping up the pace with new blog posts, while engaging the team in some interesting discussions via Slack. July was a series of experiments and conversation-starters.
What to do when running into integrity check errors with Yarn.
Sometimes JavaScript code appears to behave oddly. Hoisting is one of the reasons why. Here's an introduction to the concept, with references to more in-depth explorations.
The Jamstack presents the opportunity to fly through the process of building a website, but it helps if you build a foundation on which you can do work consistently.
A brief explanation of JavaScript closures, along with a few examples and references to other in-depth explorations on the topic.
It's not making a mistake that matters, it's what you do after you make a mistake.
Learn to build a static API using the Middleman static site generator.
A brief introduction to the DOM with a quick example on manipulating it, and a link to digging in deeper.
They may look similar, but they each do something very different from the next, and it's important to understand the differences.
WTF happened on June 29!? Read more in the June 2020 collection of web development articles, shop talk, news, and tools.