
Extract Twitter Handle from URL with JavaScript

Code snippet that extracts a Twitter user handle from a valid Twitter URL using JavaScript.

Here’s a quick JavaScript function that will find the Twitter handle from within a Twitter URL and return the handle with the preceding @ symbol:

function extractTwitterHandle(url) {
if (!url) return null;
const match = url.match(/^https?:\/\/(www\.)?twitter.com\/@?(?<handle>\w+)/);
return match?.groups?.handle ? `@${match.groups.handle}` : null;

Notice here that we’re accounting for the following conditions:

  • If there is no URL passed, return null.
  • Insecure URLs (http and https).
  • Including or omitting the www subdomain.
  • Including or omitting the @ symbol within the URL.
  • If the URL was present but invalid, or if the handle couldn’t be found, return null.

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