
Change Resolution on Parallels Desktop Windows 7 for Retina Display

Here's how I was able to scale my Parellels VM to work with a retina display.

I started a trial of Parellels Desktop to run Windows 7 on my retina MacBook Pro. Every time I resized the screen, Windows 7 resized itself, and everything was super, super small. I did some research and found that there may not be a tried and true answer, but here's what I did, and now Windows 7 looks awesome on my screen:

  1. Open Parallels Desktop.
  2. Go to Virtual Machine > Configure.
  3. In the dialog box, go to Hardware > Video.
  4. Choose "Scaled" for your resolution.
  5. Restart your machine.
parallels desktop resolution

I hope this works for you, too!

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