Exploring a theoretical approach to enabling Notion to serve as a CMS for complex websites with interactive components.
The freshest written thoughts, tips, and tutorials from the site.
An expanded timeline of my personal blogging history, starting in 2011, and reaching through current times.
Discover an innovative way to integrate front-end types into back-end generation, simplifying content transformation and improving developer experience.
Static site generators are still relevant and continue to evolve. You may be able to evolve with them, without needing to jump into a new type of framework.
Learn how to process your content separately so you can write the minimal amount of framework code and easily switch to a new framework in the future, with the added benefit of easier maintainability.
The latest from one of the site's most popular subjects.
Automatically generate TypeScript type definitions from a Contentful schema, and then override for front-end adjustments.
Take raw JSON output from the Notion API and transform it into properties that can be used by your website’s pages and components.
Write a Node.js script that connects to a Notion database and writes its page and block content to a local JSON file.
Build a simple Slack app that sends one-way messages to a channel using a Node script.
Quick tips and guided tutorials to help you on your coding journey.
Content contributed to this blog by community members.
React and Vue are two of the most popular component frameworks used in modern website development. Let's break down the differences between these two everyday tools.
To help the developers build robust and high-quality web apps, Angular offers plenty of useful tools.
Web animation is a great way to grab attention. Check out the web animation trends in 2022.
Improve your development and writing skills by contributing content to the site.
Fresh off the Jamstack shelf.
SSGs were revolutionary when they entered the scene around 2008. But they are still relevant. And they are still great. And for many of the same reasons they were compelling in 2008.
Jamstack began as an architectural approach for building websites. As a byproduct, it also promoted the simplicity of deploying those sites.
It’s difficult to choose a CMS today because there are so many options. But why are there so many options?
Netlify isn’t just for websites. Learn how you can use Netlify to serve your other sites with useful content, creating a single source of truth for your assets and data, as needed.
Content contributed to other publications and reposted here.
You've been handed a design and tasked with writing the code that will bring that design to life. Where do you start?
A "good website" is one that achieves its goals. Read these six traits of a website that stays focused on those goals.
One of the biggest benefits of a headless CMS is that they can serve multiple front ends.
At Stackbit, we're working to fill in this missing piece in the Jamstack. We believe we can build a healthy contract between developers and content creators.